Wonders of the world

March 13, 2014

Highs and lows of the past few months

Sorry, this post is going to be about university life again. It's a huge experience, so will have quite a few posts dedicated to it.

I think that because I am now living alone and don't have support (meaning my family and my pets) when I reach my new home; that I've become more sensitive to emotional triggers. I think I mentioned before that I cry easily in situations. Well those situations are mostly limited to confrontations but now, I get easily upset when I don't do well. To be fair, I do have high expectations for myself and when I don't achieve them, I  feel pretty down.

For example, I am taking this one class which is an Introduction to Women's/Gender Studies and though it is very interesting, it is also quite hard to score highly. I did quite poorly on my mid-term and subsequent assignments. I have been feeling low after every one of this class, then I take a day or so to feel better and then the class comes again and another cycle starts. I have been trying hard to improve and one of the things is that I'm extremely shy and don't talk at all in class. Problem is, 10% is for participation, so I've already lost 10%. And I've never felt like withdrawing from a course before, but I seriously considered dropping this. But then I got over that and told myself that I don't give up. I'll just have to try and improve my grade the best that I can.

A good thing about this course is that it has a Community Service Learning component to it, so I signed up for that and paired with an organization called Men Edmonton. They hope to help raise awareness in boys and men of sexism. For this project I created a web-based campaign and posted photos I edited as well as any other videos I could find. Here's the link if you want to take a look! www.fightforgenderequality.tumblr.com

Anyhwo, back to the subject of highs and lows. I think a big part of what kept me from feeling so low, was playing basketball and exercising. I mainly walk to the supermarket on days that have good weather, and since Spring is here, that means most of the time. Its good to be able to just take a stroll and not be kept inside for the whole day. I also joined this co-rec basketball team and though we lost both games so far, it was still fun and I made some friends.

So yeap, I hope I've moved past the lows. It's also because of this new environment that would've influenced how I felt. So if you're ever feeling lonely, I know how you feel. But know that things will get better and to exercise!
(I put this under 'issues', because of the gender studies component. Sexism is a huge issue!)